Sunday, 28 July 2019

The Big Day

Sat 6/7/19

THE BIG DAY. Jane hit 60 (but doesn’t look it!!).

I got up early to dress the boat having agreed with the boys they would help. However, a late night out and too many beers/cocktails saw them remain in bed.

By the time Jane surfaced I had recovered from the hyperventilation and nausea brought on by blowing up all the balloons. 

We eventually went to Greenwood’s for brunch (highly recommended) followed by a river cruise. Below are some pictures which reflect typical views of Amsterdam from the water.

For Jane's birthday treat we chose The Dylan Brasserie for dinner: a lovely restaurant in a nice setting which serves good food. We brought along a fine bottle of red wine to toast the birthday girl.


Sun 7/7/19

We all felt subdued: it was time for us all to go our separate ways. Giles left at 0800 while Jane and James had a little spare time so we went and checked out the Amsterdam Marina. It’s a large marine which is situated in a mix between heavy marine industry and urban regeneration. There’s a nice clubhouse/restaurant building that serves basic food.  However, in my opinion, there’s still some way to go.
A flatting hotel adjacent to Amsterdam Marina
Some urban regeneration with still some way to go
 After I was left to my own devises I prepped the boat ready for a morning departure.

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